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Dr Allen Shand is a Consultant Psychiatrist at Royal Cornhill Hospital and has been the Aberdeen Clinical Director of General Adult Psychiatry, Aberdeen Training Programme Director for the North of Scotland, Specialist General Adult Psychiatry Trainees. 


His Training

  • MB ChB, University of Aberdeen 1999

  • Elected member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych.) March 2004

  • Certificate of completion of Training (CCT) in General Psychiatry with an accreditation in Addictions Psychiatry October 2009.​​​

Research and Publications

Dr.Shand has ongoing research interests in depression, seasonal affective disorder and bipolar affective disorder.

Recent relevant publications.

The Seasonality of bipolar affective disorder: Comparison with a primary care sample using the Seasonal Affective Assessment Questionnaire' Journal of Affective Disorders 132 pages 289-292 (2011).

Seasonal symptoms in bipolar and primary care patients' Journal of Affective Disorders 132 pages 200-208 (2011).


White matter integrity in individuals at high genetic risk of bipolar disorder'. Biological Psychiatry (accepted for publication 2011)

Seasonal Affective Disorder; Aetiology, Epidemiology and Diagnosis'. Continuing Professional Development Module for The Royal College of Psychiatrists online site.(2008)

The Treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder'. Continuing Professional Development Module for The Royal College of Psychiatrists online site.(2008)

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